
The Infectious Imagination Of Henry Bramble

Starring: Paul Copley, Archie Lyndhurst, Maxwell Laird and Kate Henry

When a stuffy retired Judge is forced to spend time with his ten-year-old Nephew, he quickly learns the significance of losing his imagination ...but then it's never too late to get it back!

Colour ⁄ RED Epic ⁄ 4k ⁄ 2.35:1 ⁄ Duration 15”00’ ⁄ © Screen South 2021


Festival Selection
  • “Charming and impressive. I can’t believe it was shot in just three days!”

    Nicholas Lyndurst - Actor
  • "I really enjoyed Henry Bramble! It's got real heart and I really bought in to its magical qualities."

    Millie Marsh - Producer - 8 Forty Eight Films
  • “What a sweet, fun, heart-warming story!”

    Bevan Walsh - Filmmaker
  • "Charming, original and highly imaginative!"

    Miranda Flemming - Screen South
  • "Wow what an exciting project. I really like the script"

    Sara Deane - Cinematographer
  • "Nicely shot with lovely performance - Reminds me of Narnia!"

    Vicky Jung - Script Editor
  • "Woa your imagination is still the same as we remember Derek Boyes!"

    Charlotte Bruus Christensen - Cinematographer (Fences)
  • "Had your usual level of professionalism splashed all the way through it - Mightily entertained!"

    Colin Metcalfe - Writer

Last Night

Starring: Natasha Rose Mills, Ru Gilfillan and Ben Mann

Sarah wakes up in the middle of a wood next to the blood soaked body of a guy she met in a club a few hours earlier, but that is all she can remember. Evidence suggests the man may have tried to attack her, but when she finally manages to piece together her fragmented memory, she discovers the truth is far more chilling.

B&W ⁄ iPhone 6s ⁄ 4k HD ⁄ 2.35:1 ⁄ Duration 15”00’ ⁄ © Delfilm 2018


Festival Selection
  • "Last Night shows creativity, excellent storytelling and pushes the limits of Smartphone Filmmaking."

    Dublin SmartPhone Film Festival
  • “A really neat, tight little mystery that hooks you from the first shot and cleverly starts revealing its answers.”

    Nick Wright - Director at ESPER
  • "Great production values. ​​Can't believe it was shot on an iPhone!"

    Ryan Phillips - Filmmaker
  • “Nice Blair Witch vibe. Great script. Great short.”

    Jon Fletcher - Sci-Fi Author
  • “This excellent mystery keeps you guessing right to the end and is a welcome addition to #dubsmartff”

    Robert Fitzhugh - Festival Director

Touched By A Stranger

Starring: Jude Akuwudike and Louise Bolton

A desperate man sets out one dark night looking for sex. This he finds but with it comes a terrible reminder of his past.

I was invited to direct this little gem written by Colin Metcalfe as part of the Screen South Digital Shorts 2008 Scheme. It was shot over a weekend in May using a Sony XDCAM EX1 on a budget of just £3000. Unfortunately it didn't get into any big festivals despite its popularity with audiences.

Colour ⁄ HD 1080i ⁄ 16:9 cropped 2.35:1 ⁄ Duration 9′00″ ⁄ © Screen South 2008


Festival Selection
  • “It's beautifully directed - well done to you all!”

    Ricci-Lee Berry – Screen South

BBC's Brief Encounters - Life's Like That

Starring: Frances Barber, Mona Bruce, Margery Mason, Malcolm Scates, Jake Seage and Peter Symonds

A selfish family overhear that their aging Aunt has won some money. Eager to plan for their future, they make a surprised weekend visit to see their good old Auntie Edith, in the hope of discovering exactly how much the old dear has won, but Edith is a sharp minded soul and not to be underestimated.

Colour ⁄ Digi-Beta ⁄ 16:9 ⁄ 13 min. ⁄ © BBC 2005


  • “One of the more accomplished episodes of this series”

    BBC’s Ceefax Teletext TV Listing

The Happiness Thief

Starring: Tom Brooke, Chloe Smyth and Beans Balawi

A miserable little girl curses her younger brother for being so happy, not realising that her curse would summon a grotesque figure who, in the darkness of night, violently steals the boy´s happiness. Horrified and ridden with guilt, the girl chases the Thief onto the city´s rooftops in a desperate attempt to bargain with him, but he is not an easy creature to please.

Colour ⁄ HD ⁄ 16:9 ⁄ Duration 13”30’ ⁄ © NFTS 2004


Festival Selection
  • “This is one of the best shorts I've seen all year. Bravo! I think it is highly imaginative, extremely well done and personal.”

    Melissa Morandi - Head of Development for Producer Christine Gozlan
  • “The Happiness Thief was just terrific. Visually wonderful and so sharp.”

    Corinna Downing - Education Co-ordinator - BFI London Film Festival
  • "Congratulations on your wonderful short film. It was very impressive, magical and entrancing. Well done you."

    Miriam James - Agent - Casserroto & Ramsey
  • "I must congratulate you on the tremendous success you have had. I think it is a charming and arresting piece."

    Grainne Marmion - Development Executive - Children's Film and Television Foundation
  • "Very impressed by your film. It's refreshing to see a short film that's so ambitious and has a strong cinematic vision behind it."

    Matt Gannon- Producer - Airmont Pictures
  • "Congratulations with The Happiness Thief we have heard such great things about it."

    Beck Farhall - Head Of Development - Sarah Radcliffe Productions
  • "The Happiness Thief is fantastic! Bloody well done - really, really impressive. I'm sure you're soaring to stella heights as I type this!"

    Nicole Stott - Head of Development - Passion Pictures
  • "The Happiness Thief reminded me of my childhood terror of the child catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!"

    Rosie Alison - Head of Development - Heyday Films
  • "It was a lovely simple idea, beautifully executed. I think the visual effects and the design you created was spectacular."

    Samantha Thomas - Head of Development - Scott Free
  • "We think that it is an impressive, original and really striking film."

    Chloe Sizer - Head Of Development - Magic Light Pictures
  • "Fantastic. It really hit something with me so congratulations."

    Farah Abushwesha - Rocliffe
  • "We loved your film. You have a great vision."

    Lucy Main - Baker Street Media Finance
  • "It is absolutely charming and beautifully done."

    Freya Noble - Producer - Park Village Commercials
  • "A very well made and interesting film, a credit to the NFTS."

    B.S.C. (British Society Of Cinematographers)
  • "This is such a wonderful little short that I want to tell you more, but won't. Suffice to say, it is a success on all counts. "

    Film Inside Out Website - Blue Rooms Screening Edinburgh
  • “You are ridiculously soppy.”

    Stephen Frears - Director
  • “....conquered our whole attention - exceptional!"

    David Bohun - Filmfestival - Filmacademy Vienna
  • "It is such a delightful film and that energy has a way of continuing to flow."

    Colleen Newlin - Child Psychologist - Tiburon International Film Festival 2005


Starring: Stephanie Leonidas and Barry Martin

A lonely old man´s home is suddenly invaded by a troubled teenage girl, seeking shelter from a violent world outside. The old man is reluctant to help her at first, but soon realises she has given him a new purpose in life. Unfortunately the world she ran away from is catching up with her fast and a difficult choice has to be made.

Colour ⁄ Digi-Beta ⁄ 16:9 ⁄ Duration 17”00’ ⁄ © NFTS 2003


  • “It’s a very classical film, it reminds me of Polanski””

    Asher Talim - Editing Tutor - NFTS
  • "I liked it. I thought it was a really good storyline, and the Kerplunk! scene was really cute."

    ChoklitBizkit - YouTube comment
  • "WOW! I need a tissue. Two for Two!!"

    HoldinCoffee - YouTube comment
  • "I thought the casting was brilliant. you really know how to script emotions. You managed to capture true human emotion. Well done."

    milesseven - YouTube comment
  • "Amazing!"

    PrimalWolf - YouTube comment

The Last Day

Starring: Nick Afka, Paul Danan and Erol Hunt

Admist the rubble of Berlin, two young German riflemen holed up in a deserted train station, casually pick off distant Russian soldiers, unaware that a threat to their own lives is closer than they know.

Working in a proper studio environment for the first time as a director, I felt completely at home and enjoyed every minute. It pushed the boundaries and resources of the film school and became an impressive showreel sample.

Colour ⁄ Super 16mm ⁄ 2.35:1 ⁄ Duration 6”00’ ⁄ © NFTS 2002


Festival Selection
  • “The last day was a masterpiece. I loved the way you built up tension!”

    Skypenguin93 - YouTube comment
  • "Very, very well made. Bravo! I hope to see a full-length movie made by you in the future."

    TheJackal09 - YouTube comment
  • "Well Done. Pretty Amazing that it's a student film. Good directing, Derek!"

    sclements75 - YouTube comment
  • "Really good but I don't see how you made that as a student film, that must of set you back a lot of money."

    01stursa - YouTube comment

No Fixed Abode

Starring: Alison Swan, Russ Mabey and Roy Andrews

A homeless girl struggles to find a safe place to sleep for the night, as one by one, London´s cruel and twisted society push her closer to death.

Colour ⁄ Digi-Beta ⁄ 16:9 ⁄ Duration 7”45’ ⁄ 2002


Festival Selection
  • “That was horrible! Why can’t you make something nice?”

    My Mother

Talk To Me

Starring: Gary Kitching and Maxine Kerr

Tony and Sarah´s paths cross within a decayed and rotting theatre. Sheltered from their troubles outside, they spark an unusual friendship, but their unwillingness to share their secrets soon become too much.

Colour ⁄ 16mm - 2k Academy HD ⁄ 4:3 ⁄ Duration 13’00” ⁄ 1997


Festival Selection
  • “An impressive piece of filmmaking!”

    Andy Kimpton-Nye - Producer - Talent 2000 Showcase
  • "A fine, well scripted and directed piece by Derek Boyes."

    Brian Hoey - Former Course Leader, Media Production, Northumberland University


Starring: Gary Kitching, Andy Hughes and Emma Davey

A young man wakes up in the middle of the woods, to discover the dead battered body of a girl. To his surprise, she is the same girl he and his friend offered a lift to earlier, but that is all he can remember.

B/W ⁄ 16mm - 2k HD ⁄ 16:9 ⁄ Duration 12’22” ⁄ 1996


Festival Selection
  • “Despite controversial accusations of being misogynistic, it was this film that got me into the National Film & Televison School”

    Derek Boyes

You Tell Me

Starring: Anthony Howard, Niki Wakeman, Joy Sanders, Richie Dryden, Gary Kitching, Karl Robertson, Melanie Simpson and Vicky Sandison

The promiscuity and ignorance of six friends suddenly becomes a threat, when a woman arrives in the city of Newcastle to inform her ex-boyfriend she is HIV.

B/W ⁄ 16 mm ⁄ 16:9 ⁄ Duration 15′45″ ⁄ © Delfilm 1995


Festival Selection
  • “The film has a wonderful feel. It's been made in a stylish and controlled way that captures the sense of place and time - Very impressive!”

    Dave Hunt - Filmmaker and NFTS alumni
  • “You’ve done wonders to the opening sequences, especially with the sound. Really like the energy. I think you’ve done a great job with it”

    Erol Hunt - Co-Writer/Director (on the 2015 redux)


Starring: Derek Boyes, Richard Wilkinson, Nicola Goss, Philip Slocombe, Oliver Kneesbeck and Mike Joslin

Attempting to abduct his runaway Niece, an evil King and his son are challenged by a peasant and his baby dragon. After a long and courageous fight it seems the peasant´s fate is sealed, but the King and his army have an unexpected visitor – Drakkon, the largest and oldest Dragon to have ever walked this earth.

Colour ⁄ 16mm - 2k HD ⁄ 5:4 - 16:9 ⁄ Duration 12′00″ ⁄ © Delfilm 1993


  • “I can truthfully say on behalf of everyone who took part in the production, Drakkon will linger fondly in our memories for a very long time to come.”

    Chris Eldridge - Special Effects